Providing the Tacoma area with free safe injecting supplies to reduce harm and facilitate community.
Help create a safer, healthier community by supporting harm reduction services. As a local organization, your involvement can make a real impact—providing life-saving resources, reducing stigma, and promoting well-being for all. To get started, request a Naloxone distribution resource below.
Naloxone vending machines and distribution boxes provide free access to naloxone, a life-saving medication that can reverse opioid overdoses. This resource helps save lives in our community. These resources are open to the public during open hours of the host location. Check out the map to find the Naloxone resource closest to you.
Our wall-mounted kits include Naloxone (Narcan) nasal spray, a CPR mask, and step-by-step instructions in English and Spanish. These are designed for emergency, one-time use, and can be requested for installation in local businesses.
Your generosity drives our mission forward. Every donation you make directly supports the life-saving work of the Dave Purchase Project, Tacoma Needle Exchange, and NASEN. Together, we can continue making a meaningful impact.